Are you ready to help your child begin a hero's journey?
Our process is designed to make sure that we are the right fit to serve the learning needs for your child and your family. We recognize that we ask you to dedicate time and thought to the process. Families often share that they truly enjoy the process, and we hope you do, too!
Step One
Send us a message of interest using the form below,
including the age of each child you wish to enroll, and which program(s) you are interested in. You will be sent an Information Kit to read through.
Step Two
Complete your research, including reading Laura
Sandefer's book Courage to Grow, and make a list of questions.
Step Three
Attend a tour and a shadow day.
Step Four
Complete any follow-up tasks sent to you by our leadership team.
Step Five
Invitation to Enroll
Step Six
Celebrate- you have made an incredible decision for your young hero and your family!